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Ireland, S., Bukulatjpi, Y.D., Djota, E, Gundjarraŋbuy, R., Roe, Y., Moore, S., Kildea, S & Maypilama, E.L. (2024). Djäkamirr: Exploring principles used in the training of First Nations doulas in a remote multilingual Northern Australian community setting. Women and Birth (accepted and in press)


 Roe, Y., Allen, J., Haora, P., Hickey, S. Briggs, M., Wilkes, L., Nelson,C., Watego, K.,  Coddington, R., Ireland, S. Kruske, S., Gao, Y., & Kildea, S. (2023) Enabling the context for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Community Controlled Birthing on Country services: Participatory action research. Women and Birth. (in press)


Armstrong, E., Maypilama, Ḻ., Bukulatjpi, Y., Gapany, D., Fasoli, L., Ireland, S., Baker, R. D., Hewat, S. & Lowell, A., (2023). Nhaltjan dhu ḻarrum ga dharaŋan dhuḏi-dhäwuw ŋunhi limurr dhu gumurrbunanhamirr ga waŋanhamirr, Yolŋu ga Balanda: How we come together to explore and understand the deeper story of intercultural communication in a Yolŋu (First Nations Australian) community. AlterNative. p. 1-1111


Ireland, S., Kildea, S. Moore, S., Roe, Y., & Adair, R. First Nations Doulas: Training needs and industry support in the Top End, Northern Territory, Australia. Women and Birth (2023) 36 (3) Women and Birth. doi: 10.1016/j.wombi.2022.11.007.


Ireland, S., Roe, R., Moore, S., Maypilama, E.L., Bukulatjpi, Y.D., Djota, E. & Kildea, S. (2022) Birthing on Country for the best start in life: returning childbirth services to Yolŋu mothers, babies and communities in North East Arnhem, Northern Territory. Medical Journal of Australia. DOI:10.5694/mja2.51586 [In top 10% of most downloaded papers 01/01-31/12/2022]


Woodroffe, T., Wallace, R., Guthadjaka, K., Funk, J., Maypilama, E. L., Ireland, S. Adair, R., Ober, R., Armstrong, S., Lowell, A. & Pollard, K. (2021) Indigenous Women in Science: A proposed framework for leadership, knowledge, innovation, and complexity., Advances in Global Education and Research. James, W., Çobanoğlu, C. & Çavuşoğlu, M. (eds.). 1 ed. Sarasota, US: University of South Florida M3 Centre, Vol. 4. p. 1-16 16 p.


Ireland, S., & Maypilama, E. L. (2021). ‘We are sacred’‐an intercultural and multilingual approach to understanding reproductive health literacy for Yolŋu girls and women in remote Northern Australia. Health Promotion Journal of Australia. Volume32, IssueS1.Special Issue: Equity and Health Literacy.192-202


Ireland, S., Maypilama, E., Roe, Y., Lowell, A. & Kildea (2020). Caring for Mum on Country: Exploring the transferability of the Birthing on Country RISE framework in a remote multilingual Northern Australian context. Women & Birth.


Ireland, S., Montgomery-Andersen, R. Geraghty, S. (2019). Indigenous doulas a literature review of their role and practice in Western Maternity care. Midwifery: 75:52-58. doi: 10.1016/j.midw.2019.04.005.

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