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The Pandanus Mat Fringe blog is inspired by the award winning documentary DJÄKAMIRR and follow-on project To Be Born Upon a Pandanus Mat: Yothuw gayatha dhäwal’ guyaŋa’ nharaw. The blog updates stakeholders, friends and supporters about this unique work.


Our work based on Yolŋu Country, North East Arnhem Land, Northern Australia is led by: Warramiri scholar Professor Elaine Ḻäwurrpa Maypilama, Njikena Jawuru scholar Professor Yvette Roe, Garrawurra Ḻiya-gäwumirr scholar Ms Rosemary Gundjarraŋbuy, and non-Indigenous scholars Professor Sue Kildea, Associate Professor Sarah Ireland and Associate Professor Yu Gao.

Sarah Ireland & Ḻawurrpa Maypilama weaving pandanus sitting in the bush together

Associate Professor Sarah Ireland & Professor Elaine Ḻäwurrpa Maypilama strip pandanus together.

Photo credit: Pat Josse.

The blog’s name is an important acknowledgment of our intercultural collaboration values and principles. At the centre of our work lies the Pandanus mat, a cultural metaphor for weaving First Nations and Western knowledge into a resilient and beautiful foundation for Yolŋu  women and babies.

The blog is compiled and often written by me- Sarah Ireland. I work as the Associate Professor of Innovation and Impact at the Molly Wardaguga Research Institute for First Nations Birth Rights at Charles Darwin University. I am a midwife, nurse and medical anthropologist with a passion for working in partnership to improve maternity and reproductive healthcare systems in remote areas.  

By subscribing to the blog you can join our journey. Come along to learn more about our work challenges and successes, explore the intersections of tradition and innovation; and gain insights into working with First Nations and Western knowledges in childbirth, research and wellbeing. 

Nhäma yalala- see you later!

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