Health Workers Djäkamirr Resource
This short video resource supports clinicians and hospital staff in working alongside Yolŋu djäkamirr- First Nations doulas. It describes the role, training, practice scope and benefits of working with a djäkamirr.Filming, editing, music & post-production: Pat Josse, Narration: Shellie Morris, script & production: Sarah Ireland. 2023
What country were you born on?
Best Start to Life: National Gathering.
Making a pathway forward
In October 2022, First Nations leaders, community and service representatives, researchers and clinicians from across Australia gathered in Mpartwe- Alice Springs, Northern Territory, Australia. The national gathering reflected on the last 10 years since the first Birthing on Country Workshop, showcased service innovation and discussed future directions for ensuring the best start in life for First Nations babies.
Production & Interviewing: Sarah Ireland, Filming, editing, sound & post-production: Pat Josse. 2022
To Be Born Upon a Pandanus Mat
The Pandanus Mat Partnership Project video was filmed on Yolŋu Country, with thanks to fibre weaving artist Mavis Warŋgilŋa Ganambarr from Elcho Island Arts and Ancestral Knowledge holder baby Israel. Our project is setting up and studying Australia’s first ‘Birthing on Country’ very remote, demonstration site in Galiwin’ku, Elcho Island, Arnhem Land, Northern Territory, Australia. Research funders & partners are the Australian Doula College, Australian Red Cross, Careflight, Charles Darwin University, Commonwealth Department of Health, Medical Research Future Fund, Miwatj Health Aboriginal Corporation, Molly Wardaguga Research Centre, National Health and Medical Research Council, Northern Territory Health, and Yalu Aboriginal Corporation.
Filming, editing, music & post-production: Pat Josse, Narration: Ḻäwurrpa Maypilama, Script & Production: Sarah Ireland. 2022
HDR Student Recruitment
Filming, editing, music & post-production: Pat Josse, Script & Production: Sarah Ireland. 2022
Research Documentary
DJÄKAMIRR: caretaker of pregnancy and birth
Filmed in remote Arnhem Land, DJÄKAMIRR follows Ḻäwurrpa and Sarah on a unique journey through ancestral time, country and culture. As mutual trust develops between the two women, they hope to empower Yolŋu and reclaim 60,000 years of birthing culture from the stronghold of Western medicine. This is their story of working with community to pilot the training of djäkamirr- the caretakers of pregnancy and birth.
Classified: G. 41 mins. Released 2021.
Languages: Djämbarrpuyŋu & English
Official selection Garifuna International Indigenous Film Festival 2021, California, Red Nations International Film Festival 2021, Los Angles USA & Fort Smith International Film Festival, Arkansas, USA. Winner Indigenous Film Award, Fort Smith
Ḻäwurrpa Maypilama - Co-Director & Co-Writer; Sarah Ireland - Co-Writer, Interviewer, Project Manager; Patrick Josse - Co-Director, Videography & Post-Production; Shellie Morris – Narration; Rachel Baker – Translation.
Supplementary Material for Research Documentary
DJÄKAMIRR: A closer Look
Exclusive Q & A with the filmmakers to learn more about the project and how the film was made.
Scripting: Sarah Ireland. Filming, editing & postproduction: Pat Josse.
Released 2021. 25mins. Languages: English
Organise a Djäkamirr
Charles Darwin University and the Australian Doula College have proudly partnered to deliver Yolŋu djäkamirr training in Galiwinku. A djäkamirr is an Indigenous Doula- childbirth companion. A Yolŋu djäkamirr is skilled in providing cultural, emotional and spiritual support to Yolŋu women during childbirth. They are like an escort but with so much more value!
Videography: Pat Josse; Script & Production: Sarah Ireland.
What does Birthing on Country mean to you?
Featuring interviews filmed during the Best Start to Life 2022 National Gathering at Mparntwe (Alice Springs) alongside breath-taking Australian landscapes, this educational documentary explores the many meanings of Birthing on Country.
- Interviewing & Production: Sarah Ireland
- Filming, Editing, Sound & Post-Production: Pat Josse
- Narration: Shellie Morris
- Co-production Molly Wardaguga Research Centre, Central Australian Aboriginal Congress & Charles Darwin University
- We acknowledge and pay respect to the First Nations people and their countries across Australia
- One20 Productions ©2022